any jobs in Oakham (within 10 miles) 28th February 2013 ...

any jobs in Oakham (within 10 miles) 28th February 2013 ...
Easter Sunday & Monday at Rockingham Castle, Family Fun, Rockingham Castle Estate, Rockingham, Leicestershire, LE16 8TH Tel: 01536 77024...
Easter at Barnsdale Gardens, The Avenue, Exton, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 8AH Tel: 01572 813200 Friday 29 March – Monday 1 April, gardens open 9...
Easter Cricket 1, Uppingham School, Balmaghie, High Street West, Uppingham, Rutland, LE15 9QB Tel: 01572 820802 Easter Cricket 1 25th-28th M...
Bridge for Beginners. Uppingham School. Balmaghie. High Street West. Uppingham. Rutland. LE15 9QB Tel: 01572 820802 Bridge for Beginners 25t...
Plant Propagation at Barnsdale Gardens, Workshop, The Avenue, Exton, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 8AH Tel: 01572 813200 Friday 22 March, 10.30am-12...
Charity Race Night at Greetham Valley, Participatory Event, Wood Lane, Greetham, Rutland, LE15 7SN Tel: 01780 460444 Friday 22nd March The e...
RHS Watercolour Painting Day: ‘Sunlit Poppies' at Barnsdale Gardens, Workshop, The Avenue, Exton, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 8AH Tel: 01572 8...
Spring at Barnsdale: A Guided Walk, Workshop, The Avenue, Exton, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 8AH Tel: 01572 813200 Wednesday 20 March, 10.30am-12....
RHS Course: Vegetables All the Year Round at Barnsdale Gardens, Workshop, The Avenue, Exton, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 8AH Tel: 01572 813200 Wed...
Planting Design with Adam Frost, Workshop, The Avenue, Exton, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 8AH Tel: 01572 813151 Sunday 9 March, 9.30am-4pm Plantin...
Mother’s Day at Barnsdale Gardens, Participatory Event, The Avenue, Exton, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 8AH Tel: 01572 813200 Sunday 10 March, gard...
Garden Design with Adam Frost, Workshop, The Avenue, Exton, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 8AH Tel: 01572 813200 Saturday 8 March, 9.30am-4pm Garden ...
Rutland Sinfonia - Concertos in the Chapel, Concert, Oakham School Chapel, Market Place, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6DT Tel: 01780 752031 Rutland...
Introduction to Organic Vegetable Growing at Barnsdale Gardens, Workshop, The Avenue, Exton, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 8AH Tel: 01572 813200 Thu...
Rose Pruning at Barnsdale Gardens, Workshop, The Avenue, Exton, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 8AH Tel: 01572 813200 Rose Pruning at Barnsdale Garden...
The Illustrated Garden Journal Workshop The Avenue, Exton, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 8AH Tel: 01572 813200 The Illustrated Garden Journal Tuesda...
Basics of Vegetable Growing at Barnsdale Gardens Workshop, The Avenue, Exton, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 8AH Tel: 01572 813200 Friday 1 March, 10...
Growing in Raised Beds at Barnsdale Gardens, The Avenue, Exton, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 8AH Tel: 01572 813200 Friday 1 March, 2pm-4pm Nick Ham...
Marie Curie Honeybee and Naturalistic Planting Stamford Arts Centre St Marys Street Stamford Lincs PE9 2DL Tel: 01780 763203 Marie Curie Hon...
Sat, 30 Mar 2013 10:00am Glenfield U3A Craft Fair Over 25 stalls offering a wide variety of unique, quality handcrafted goods and gifts. Ref...
Fri, 29 Mar 2013 10:00am Moira Family Easter Egg Hunt Work out the clues to find the eggs, a fun morning for all of the family. This walk co...
Sun, 24 Mar 2013 9:30am Swannington Main Street Walk A guided walk of the historical village of Swannington. This walk is approx 1-2 miles a...
Sat, 23 Mar 2013 2:00pm Tilton On The Hill Jumble Sale Sale of Jumble and white elephant items. In aid of village hall funds. Venue: Tilton ...
Sun, 17 Mar 2013 10:00am Stathern Raynsway Duathlon Consists of a 5k run 18k bike 5k run. In Aid Of Charity Breast Cancer, Pink Ribbon Found...
Sat, 16 Mar 2013 8:00pm Thringstone 52 Skidoo Present 'The Joint Is Jumpin' 52 Skiddoo are a 3 piece Harlem swing band that have tur...
16 Mar 2013 7:30pm Wymondham MERVYN STUTTER - ANOTHER HELPING !! Mervyn Stutter is an actor, scriptwriter, comedian and songwriter. You migh...
16 Mar 2013 7:30pm Tilton On The Hill Classical Concert Classical Concert by Melton Mowbray Orchestra. Tickets £10 to include a glass of win...
Sat, 16 Mar 2013 9:30am Coleorton Village Heritage Trail Walk A three hour guided walk with Robert Smith from Coleorton Heritage Group throu...
Sat, 09 Mar 2013 7:00pm Tilton On The Hill Methodist Chapel Quiz Night Quiz and Supper, £12.50 a head. To raise funds for Halstead Methodist...
09 Mar 2013 9:30am Thurlaston Ramblers Walks Monthly walks of 4 - 5 miles. Meet at Village Hall Car Park, Desford Road 2nd Saturday of each...
Mon, 04 Mar 2013 10:00am Diseworth The Diseworth Parish Church And It's Environs A tour of the church of St Michaels and all Angels show...
Many people found it unacceptable that Bevan Brittan Solicitors were paid by Rutland County Council the grand sum of £8,000 or a bad report....
Cllr Joyce Lucas, Highly Critical of Oakham Town Clerks Report, Oakham Fitness Centre, Fence Like a coward she took advantage of the Clerks...
Oakham Town Council, Has no objections to proposed new housing estate, former Parks School Site and Barleythorpe Field Last night Oakham Tow...
JD Wetherspoon, New Oakham Pub, Name, the Hague or Captain Noel Newton At last nights council meeting Oakham Mayor Cllr Dewis revealed detai...
Last night Oakham Town Council considered plans from Leicestershire Police. They want to build on top and behind the old probation office. T...
Former Ashwell Prison Site To Be Named Oakham Enterprise Park At last nights Oakham Town Council meeting it appears Oakham Mayor Cllr Dewis ...
Before Oakham Town Council considered a planning application from Everards Brewery Counciillors thought it was very funny that another coun...
Hodson Joanne ( Add to contacts 16:57 To: 'Martin Brookes' Mr Brookes I have to update y...
Cllr Joyce Lucas, Refused to Accept Cllr Charles Haworths Apology for absence, Oakham Town Council I telephoned Cllr Charles Haworth this ev...
Live@museum it premature to say its closed, says Cllr Joyce Lucas, Also Roger Begy Lied Cllr Joyce Lucas reported to Oakham Town Council thi...
Car Boot Sale – Oakham, Burley Road The Oakham Town Partnership holds Car Boot Sales on the 2nd and 4th Sundays in the Summer. The first Ca...
Setfords Solicitors Will Making Surgery in aid of The Harley Staples Cancer Trust. Saturday 9th March Appointments available between 10.30 ...
Rutland Poetry Society, Thursday 14th March, 7.30-9, Do you read poetry? Do you write poetry? Join us to read your own or your favourite po...
Social Knitting Club, Every Wednesday evening, 6-8.30, Come along for a good giggle, tea, cake and knitting! Our fab knitting tutor Julie wi...
Introduction to Chalk Paint™ Finishes, Saturday 23rd or Saturday 30th March, 10-1, Come for an inspiring introduction to Chalk Paint™ decor...
Retro Coasters, Thursday 21st March, 10-12 or 6.30-8.30, Introduction to crocheting in the round to make a coaster. Ideal for beginners to l...
Owen Morgan, Introduction to Garden Design, Buttercross House, Oakham, Rutland Friday 15th March 7pm - 9pm Buttercross House 2 Church Passa...
Let's Talk Photography, Wednesday 13th March, 6.30-9. Bev Charlton will be holding a drop in sesion for those who love all things photo...
Sock Knitting Saturday 9th March, 10-1, Learn the techniques of sock knitting and knit your first baby sock! Ideal for those with basic knit...
Hearts & Flowers Workshop especially for Mother's Day! Saturday 9th March, 10-1, Work with vintage embroideries, luxurious velvets, ...
International Women's Day Coming to my Senses: Finding my Voice through Ovarian Cancer, by Amanda Seyderhelm Friday 8th March, 7-9, £5 d...
Pastel Workshop with Andrea Naylor . Saturday 2nd March, 10-1, . Want to try a portrait but not sure where to start? "My new pastel wor...
any jobs in Oakham (within 10 miles) 27th February 2013 ...